Welcome to the African Center for the Study and Research on Migration (ACSRM)
African Migration Studies Association

About the African Migration Studies Association (AMSA)

Credit: Photo by IngridThomson – Wikimedia Commons
The African Centre for the Study and Research on Migration (ACSRM) has initiated the African Migration Studies Association (AMSA). The AMSA’s creation follows the need to create a continental and global platform for exchange, collaboration, communication, and interaction between researchers, experts, policymakers, practitioners, and students worldwide interested in African migration issues. Its fundamental objective is to promote research, studies, teaching, training, capacity building, policymaking, and advocacy on African migration issues through a multidisciplinary perspective.
Credit: Photo by Christina Morillo – Pexels

The AMSA aims to strengthen knowledge production and dissemination, training, capacity building, and policy development on various aspects of African migration by mobilizing researchers, experts, students, policymakers, and practitioners in research clusters, committees, and working sessions to discuss Africa’s migration fundamental challenges, trends, patterns. It endeavors to facilitate research on African migration and support African migration researchers, professors, scholars, and students in increasing their international visibility and contributing to advancing knowledge and expertise on African migration issues.

The AMSA aims to contribute to knowledge production and dissemination through support for the publication of books, articles in peer-reviewed journals, working papers, and policy briefs. It endeavors to support students, junior researchers, and experienced scholars and researchers so they are at the forefront of advancing knowledge on African migration.

Credit: Photo by Timmylegend – Wikimedia Commons

By organizing workshops, conferences, summer schools, and setting up platforms linking the academic and research community and by facilitating policy dialogues between researchers and policymakers, the African Migration Studies Association (AMSA) aims to foster communication, collaboration, synergy, and partnerships to strengthen African migration studies, research, teaching, and training in Africa and all around the world.
Credit : Photo by Timmylegend - Wikimedia Commons

Rethinking African migration studies by deconstructing the often biased and misleading narratives and theoretical and methodological approaches that obscure an understanding of past and contemporary African migration patterns and trends is one of the paramount objectives of the African Migration Studies Association.

The AMSA is open to anyone interested in African migration issues: students, researchers, experts, policymakers, professors, practitioners, migrant individuals and associations, media, NGOs, international organizations, government officials, civil society organizations, practitioners and advocates, etc.

The AMSA aims to nurture a vivid community of experts, researchers, policy and decision-makers, international organizations, NGOs, government officials, media, Civil Society Organizations, and practitioners for a better understanding of African migration issues and appropriate responses to Africa’s migration-related challenges.

Credit: Photo by UNU-WIDER from Helsinki, Finland - Wikimedia Commons


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