African Centre for the Study and Research on Migration's Policy Briefs' Series on African Migration
The African Centre for the Study and Research on Migration (ACSRM) has launched a Working Papers Series on African migration trends, patterns, and dynamics. This Working Paper Series is initiative of the ACSRM and depends on the voluntary manuscript submissions by authors (migration experts, policymakers, researchers, scholars, students, and practitioners). Authors will not receive any payment or compensation when submitting papers or when they are accepted for publication.
Through these Working Paper Series, the ACSRM endeavors to contribute to an in-depth analysis of Africa’s migration trends and patterns to strengthen migration governance and the role of migration in African continent’s inclusive, sustainable social and economic development.
A Working Paper or a Technical Paper aims to provide an in-depth understanding of a specific thematic issue. The objective of a Working Paper or Technical Paper or Technical Report is to study a specific problem or situation, mainly to provide suggestions or suggest ways to address this issue. In general, Working Papers are research papers that have not been published in a peer-reviewed journal and aim to present the scholars’ and researchers’ progress on their research findings and are posted on websites.
Both empirical/ academic and policy-oriented papers are welcome. Papers considered for inclusion in this Working Paper Series enhance understanding of migration patterns, trends, dynamics, and challenges and the ensuing policy implications. Papers selected for this Working Paper Series are expected to contribute to new theoretical and methodological approaches to understanding Africa’s migration.
The ACSRM considers Working Papers on wide-ranging migration topics. These include, but are not limited the following topics: causes and drivers of Africa’s migration; labor migration; migration and poverty; migration and development; highly skilled international migration; child migration; student migration; migration, women, and gender; international migration of health professionals; migration policy; migration governance; migration, climate change, and environmental degradation; irregular migration; human trafficking; smuggling of migrants; mixed migration; migration and human rights; etc. This Working Paper Series considers all the contemporary patterns,
dynamics, and meanings of African migration.
Submissions are expected to enhance understanding of the various causes, drivers, patterns, and trends of Africa’s migration and the policy implications to address the challenges and opportunities of Africa’s migration.
All submissions as part of this Working Paper should be sent to Ibrahima.Dia@africa- union.org
The draft must be an editable electronic version (including diagrams and pictures). Authors who wish to submit draft papers are required to refer to the following guidelines:
- An abstract of no more than 200 words.
- A non-technical summary of the draft paper for policymakers and the broad audience of 150 words.
- 5 to 9 keywords
- Author's contact details (email and affiliation)
- Any information about the draft paper, i.e., whether it has been submitted previously to a journal presented at a workshop, conference or seminar.
- Word count (paper's length: no more than 10,000 words).

Referencing and footnotes
Citations in-text should be framed as follows :
- e.g. (David 2013)- for one author
- (Johnson 2010 ; David 2016)- multiple citations
- Mukelele and Christian 2016: 17) – for two authors
- (Johnson, David, Shabaz 2013) – for three authors
- (Kane et al. 2012: 45) – for three or more authors
Submission considered for inclusion as an ACSRM’s Working Paper does not prevent or undermine subsequent publication in a book or journal. However, authors must not submit papers that have been accepted for publication due to a copyright agreement with the publisher.
To the extent possible, please ensure that the submission is an original, unpublished work that is not also under review elsewhere for publication. Otherwise, if the manuscript is an updated version of an already published paper, please mention it and ensure there are no conflicting issues regarding the copyright.
Full papers must be between 10,000 and 20,000 words (excluding abstracts, references, and graphics) or less. Exceptionally, papers with word counts beyond 20,000 words may be accepted, subject to some conditions, including their relevance and high quality. But, it is strongly encouraged not to go beyond 20,000 words.
The manuscripts will be subject to a double-blind peer review to be accepted into the final publication in the forthcoming website of the African Centre for the Study and Research on Migration (ACSRM).
After the pre-selection, the authors will be informed, and all the critics, comments, and contributions of the reviewers on the manuscripts will be notified to the authors. The papers will be only accepted and published once they meet high-quality standards. Accepted working papers will be published as repositories on the African Centre for the Study and Research on Migration (ACSRM) website.
Manuscript submissions are voluntary. The authors will receive no honorarium or payment for submitting working papers to the ACSRM. Publishing in the ACSRM’s Working Paper Series is free of charge. By submitting a manuscript, the authors express their commitment to publishing in the ACSRM’s Working Paper Series.
For more information, please contact
Ibrahima Amadou Dia,
Director of African Centre for the Study and Research on Migration (ACSRM) African Union Commission (AUC)
Bamako, Mali
Email: Ibrahima.Dia@africa-union.org